Friday, October 9, 2009

the first time we met ;)

I'm really disappointed to hear it when you really believe in me
the first time we met,on 9 agustus 2009 i'ts the day after Java Rockin' Land.hahahaha Do you still remember that Angger?i guess not ;) yeah it's not problem. haha thanks for Luke cause you made me with him hahaha :D.yeah,so Luke Varian Archie is my ex boyfriend.and Luke is Angger's friends.used when Luke make me hurts,Angger always made happy,smile and laugh again.thanks Angger,you're very good :) .honestly,i'm always comfortable when in addition Angger.when me and Luke broke up,Angger made me go back cheerful.yeah,from there that i began to love him :p he's very good and adult nonono my face blushed if he told loves me.hahahaha initially i was sure he was joking.but on 11 September 2009 and at 03.36 AM(what?)wkwkw,he said that he loves me HAHAHAHAHA i'm so happy to hear that nanana~and we live without the status of the relationship for a while hukhuk :c but i'm pretty calm cause i knew that soon we will make a relationship wkwkwkwk :p AND WHAT I SAY IS TRUE!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHA he expressed his feelings to me on 13 SEPTEMBER 2009 in ohlala~and i said,"i love you too Angger.i want to a relationship with you too hihi :p"HUAKAKA(ngefly gue~)and i had a relationship with him like everyone else :p and on September 28, WE BROKE UP!!cause why?????cause the reason is he likes another woman.oh noooo,don't make excuses like this cause i will kill her :p i'm so really dissapointed to hear that SLUT!i really don't believe this all happened.i really believe you but you do this to me :'''''''''( but i have to accept it cause it's destiny and thas for kak Rio Akbar and Ramadhani Sarah cause you made me more calm.thanks you're my best kisskiss SMOOCH hhhhhhh and thanks for Mama Sus yeaaaaaah,you're the best mom i have ever met huah and until now i can only hope that you can come back to me Angger,you must know that i really love you.i hope we can stay together but is wasn't possible.i love you Angger.i will always wait for you.good bye my 13,love and miss you always SMOOCH!